PhD. Yale University, American Studies 1969 Clients have included American Sentinel University (CO), Re-Focus, Inc. (RI), Cape Cod Children's Museum, The National Graduate School of Quality Management, Mansfield University (interim dean and provost), and the Hatch Mill Preservation Society, among others. 2010 - 2013: Vice President of Evaluation and Training, R.H. Perry Foundation, Washington, DC The non-profit Perry Foundation evaluates college boards and finds new trustees who have the expertise that the assessment determines is needed to enable the board to work more successfully within its legal and professional authority. 2004 - 2005 Interim President, Provost, and Trustee, Albright
College, Reading, Pennsylvania Responsible for the daily operation of the College (450 employees), a successful comprehensive campaign, and the increasing national visibility of Albright as a leader in interdisciplinary higher education. As Acting and Interim President, I was very active in personal fundraising ($7.5 million signed, $340,000 more pledged), in facilities’ construction, and in external community relations. I also took charge of all customer service, assessment, diversity, and retention efforts on campus; oversaw major state and federal grant efforts in forensics; and reviewed other colleges for Middle States Commission on Higher Education. 2002-2004 Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs, Albright College From May 2002 to May 2004, responsible for the staffing, scheduling, and budgeting of the academic operation of Albright, including 110 full-time faculty and 50 part-time faculty in the day program (1625 students), graduate Education program (80 students), a successful adult Accelerated Degree Completion Program (550 full-time students at eight locations), and the general integration of academics, student services, finances, and development at the College, as Albright focused on a major comprehensive campaign and marketing effort. I also launched Albright's ten-year Middle States re-accreditation process. New programs developed or in various planning stages: Environmental Studies, International Relations, Public Policy, Holocaust Studies, and Nutrition Science. Albright is noted particularly for its wide variety of interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary options for students (present undergraduates are practicing at least 200 different majors and major combinations) and for the remarkable diversity of its student body. 1993-2001 Dean, College of Liberal Arts, Quinnipiac University, Hamden, Connecticut (on leave in 2001-2002); Liberal Arts included all Education programs. Responsible for staffing, scheduling, and budgeting for
80 full-time and 175 part-time faculty, 1300 undergraduate majors, and
100 graduate students in Education. Principal academic dean in assessment
of general education, participation in the Associated New American College
(ANAC) consortium, spearheading Service Learning opportunities for students,
promoting interdisciplinary programs and courses, and serving on the campus-wide
multicultural advancement committee. New degrees and programs established
1990-1993 Chair, Department of English, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island In charge of a department of 40 full-time and 50 part-time
faculty, with M.A. and 1983-1990 Coordinator of English Studies, College of Continuing Education, University of Rhode Island, Providence, Rhode Island 1979-1981 Director, New England Studies Program, University
of Rhode Island, Kingston,
1977-1993 Professor (1982), Associate Professor (1977), Department of English, University of Rhode Island 1976-1977 Associate Professor, Department of English, Idaho State University 1975-1976 Visiting Professor, Native American Studies Program, Dartmouth College 1969-1975 Assistant Professor, Department of English, Union College (N.Y.)
Books: A Civil General (a Civil War novel about General George Henry Thomas, co-authored with Scannell Gill), Sunstone Press, 2008 Puritans, Indians and Manifest Destiny, G.P. Putnam's
Sons, 1977 Shifting World: Social Change and Nostalgia in the American Novel, Associated University Presses, 1976 Editions: William Joseph Snelling, Tales of the Northwest,
College & University Press, Charles Brockden Brown, Edgar Huntly. College & University Press, 1973 Articles: “Understanding the Forgotten Poetry of American Samplers," Journal of Popular Culture, October 2019 “Chickamauga and General George Thomas," Blue & Gray Messenger: The National Civil War Museum Newsletter, July 2013 “Learning from the Masters (Tournament)," Inside Higher Ed, June 2010 “Was Gen. George Thomas RightA Civil General Discussion,” Armchair General, 2009 “Private/Public Partnerships Can Work,” University Business, September 2005 "Narragansett Bay's Literary Tradition," in What a Difference a Bay Makes, ed. Deborah Brennan, Rhode Island Historical Society, 1993 ''White-Indian Relations and the Fate of Theology in 18th-Century
America," ''Gender, Hawthorne, and Literary Criticism," Mosaic: Journal for the Interdisciplinary Study of Literature, Spring 1985 "The Case of Willa Cather," Canadian Review of American Studies, Winter 1984 ''No Stone Unturned: Popular Versus Professional Evaluations of Willa Cather," Prospects: The Annual of American Cultural Studies, Vol. 7, 1982 "New England's Theology of the Sea," Historical Intelligencer, Fall 1980 "White Nationalism and Native Cultures," American
Indian Culture and Research "The Status of Puritan-Indian Scholarship", New England Quarterly, March 1978 "On the Limits of Fiction," Midwest Quarterly, Summer 1973 (on contemporary American fiction) "Willa Cather's Ironic Masterpiece," Arizona Quarterly, Winter 1973 "On History and Its Consequences: A.B. Guthrie's These Thousand Hills," Western American Literature, Fall 1971 Reviews: L. Brad Bohlke, ed, Willa Cather in Person and Robert J. Nelson, Willa Cather and France, Canadian Review of American Studies, 1989 Bruce E. Johansen, Forgotten Founders: How the Indians Helped Shape Democracy, American Indian Quarterly, 1989 Yasuhide Kawashima, Puritan Justice and the Indian, American Indian Culture and Research Journal, 1987 Charles F. Nolan, Jr., Aaron Burr and the American Literary Imagination, American Historical Review, 1981 William C. Spengemann, The Adventurous Muse: The Poetics of American Fiction, 1789-1900, Studies in American Fiction, 1979 Study Guide: "Rhode Island's Literary Legacy," Rhode Island Committee for the Humanities, 1988 (35 pp. guide to the work of Lovecraft, LaFarge, Wilder, McGarry, Dodd, Plante, and Potter, for high school students; rev. for state library discussion series, 1989) Presentations: National Civil War Museum, Harrisburg, PA, August 2013 (on the character of General George Henry Thomas); panelist, "The States and Distance Education" (on state licensing), DETC Conference, Williamsburg, VA, April 2011; team leader, Quinnipiac University, 2001 Asheville Institute on General Education; AACU national conference, Atlanta, 1997, on Liberal Arts/Professional School cooperation; National Endowment for the Humanities lectures on Harriet Beecher Stowe in Akron and Hudson, OH, Roxbury, MA. Newport, RI, and New London, CT, 1988; New England American Studies Association, Hartford, on gender portrayals in American Fiction, 1985; Northeast Modern Language Association, Hartford, on Willa Cather's feminism, 1984; Annual conference on Willa Cather, Merrimack College, on Cather's use of gender, 1984; 8th Lawrence Henry Gipson Symposium, Lehigh University, on colonial theological views of Indians, 1981 (invited speaker, along with Francis Jennings and Charles Gibson); MLA Commission on Minority Literature, Boston, on Native American oral traditions, 1975; Midcontinent American Studies Association, Grand Island, NE, on images of Indians in American Literature, 1975. Editorial Boards: American Transcendental Quarterly Grants: Scholar/Consultant to numerous NEH and RI Committee for the Humanities library discussion series, 1980-1993 (including two NEH grants totaling $235,000) Royal Little Foundation, $9000, to the New England Studies Summer Institute. URI, 1981-1983 Week of seminars on Native American Literature, Columbia
College, Columbia Memberships: Collegiate Enterprise Solutions; New England Museum Association; Registry for College and University Presidents; et al.
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